Walt Mankowski on 14 May 2004 14:55:59 -0000

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Re: Cursor keys not working in the debugger

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 10:16:13AM -0400, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> I'm stumped.  On my debian box at home, I can use the cursor keys to
> access command history in the Perl debugger (perl -d) .  But on the
> red hat box at work, the up arrow just prints out "^[[A".  I read
> through perldebug looking for clues.  It recommended installing
> Term::ReadLine and Term::ReadKey.  Both of those modules are installed
> on the red hat box.  GNU readline also appears to be installed.
> Anyone know what else I might want to look at?

Turns out I needed to install Term::ReadLine::Gnu.


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