Walt Mankowski on 29 Mar 2006 12:53:37 -0000

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Fwd: [Conferences] YAPC::Europe::2006 - The Dates

They've finally set the dates for YAPC::Europe!

----- Forwarded message from Barbie <barbie@missbarbell.co.uk> -----

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 21:22:54 +0100
From: Barbie <barbie@missbarbell.co.uk>
To: "YAPC::Europe Conferences List" <conferences@yapceurope.org>
Cc: YEF Board List <board@yapceurope.org>,
	"YAPC::Europe::2006 Organisers List" <organisers@birmingham2006.com>
Subject: [Conferences] YAPC::Europe::2006 - The Dates

=== Announcement #2 ===

Hello, and welcome to our long anticipated second official bulletin
regarding the 2006 YAPC::Europe Perl Conference from the Birmingham 2006

When signing up to host a YAPC::Europe we never expected, despite the
words of warnings from previous organisers (see Cog's final speech in
Braga), just how traumatic it could be. 

It has been unfortunate that negotiations with venues didn't go as
planned and have taken considerably longer than we had anticipated.
However, we have found a venue, so we hope this crazy mule of a
conference is finally coming under control, so please be prepared for a
plethora of announcements and updates in the coming months. It's time to
uncage the beast...

==== The Dates ====

After many many requests, we can now reveal the official dates for the
conference. The conference will be held from ...

    Wednesday 30th August to Friday 1st September 2006.

In the UK this follows the bank holiday weekend, and is the calm before
the storm when all the students return during September.

We are planning meetup events in a local pub in the evening for Tuesday
29th August and Saturday 2nd September, to extend the conference
experience, for anyone arriving early and/or leaving later. Details of
these will be announced nearer the time.

==== About Birmingham ====

For those wondering where Birmingham is, and why they should come and
visit us, please read on.

Birmingham is the UK's second city, located in the heart of England.
Technically speaking the village of Meriden is the centre of England,
which is located 10 miles south of Birmingham city centre, but
Birmingham has always been the commercial centre.

Birmingham grew from humble beginnings of a group of small villages,
through the industrial focal point it became in the 1800s, to the
commercial city it is today. As a result of this Birmingham has become a
hub for road, rail and canal networks. 

There is a rich history both in Birmingham and in the West Midlands,
with towns and cities in the surrounding area providing many attractions
to keep visitors entertained. Stratford-upon-Avon, Leamington Spa,
Warwick and Ironbridge are all within easy reach of Birmingham, should
you wish to extend your stay.

==== Contact ====

Should you wish to contact us, there is now an email address available
for direct contact, where you can mail us with your questions and
suggestions. The address is: 


There is also the regular YAPC::Europe conference mailing list, open to
all. See  http://lists.yapceurope.org/mailman/listinfo/conferences. for
more details.

That's all for this release. Look out for more news and announcements
coming soon.

The Birmingham 2006 Organisers

Conferences mailing list

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