brainbuz on 5 Feb 2014 10:04:39 -0800

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Re: [Philadelphia-pm] February 12 Meeting not on calander

Since I had suggested Unicode as the topic for the canceled January
Meeting may I suggest:

Perl Unicode: Stories from the Front.
A discussion of Perl's Unicode implementation, nightmares and solutions.

I'm willing to kick off the discussion. I think Gabe and some of the
Engineers at DuckDuckGo have experienced far more pain than I and have a
much better understanding of the internals.

> I'll try to get it updated tonight. Did we ever decide on a topic for
the meeting?
> On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 05:35:17PM -0500, wrote:
>> I happened to look at the page today and the last
meeting on our calendar was back in July.
>> Does anyone have access to update it? Also if anyone has an open meetup
sponsoring slot on their account it might be beneficial to put our
meetings there (whoever sponsors can add as many assistant organizers
as they want).
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