Chuck Peters on Wed, 26 Feb 1997 03:55:07 -0500 (EST)

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PLUG Meeting

PLUG Meeting Wednesday March 5th 7 PM at the Cyberloft.  Many of us have
expressed interest in a PLUG project, however it seems we all have our own
ideas about what it should be.  This month I hope we can agree on a
project for the Group.  

To facilitate better communication of the group and so that we all can get
our ideas out about the PLUG project, I have started a discussion mailing
list.  You all have been subscribed to "" as well as
"". If you wish to be removed from the list, send a
message to with unsubscribe in the Subject.
Next month the announcement will go out on the plug-announce list.

If one of you would like to give a talk this month, please let us know.
Someone said they wanted to talk about configuring dialup.  

