Martin DiViaio on Mon, 14 Dec 1998 22:07:23 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Video cards and Linux

David L. Martin wrote:
> I am beginning to order parts for a new PC (its about time).
> Last time I went with dependable, now I want cutting edge.
> How can I select a fast modern video card, without going so modern that
> support for Linux is sketchy?

On my distribution CD are several HOWTO files for configuring Video
cards. If your distribution CD doesn't have these HOWTO's, go over to
the Linux Documentation Project ( ) and you
should find them there. There is also a hardware compatability guide at
the LDP that might help.

                    /)-._    Time : Mon Dec 14 21:37:48 1998
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           /    "-/  `.\     simply exclude certain types of people.
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