David L. Martin on Mon, 4 Jan 1999 18:16:51 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Luggables (OT)

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Adam wrote:
> Im looking to go retro and get myself a luggable case.
> Anyone have an idea of where I could get one
> in or around philly?  You know the kind, with the pull down keyboard
> and LCD screen on the side (not a compaq type with an actualy CRT).

I just threw out two 386-16's with monochrome CRT (50 lbs a piece) last
month.  I haven't seen a new CRT model in 5 years, I do know of several
sources for LCD color models but you'll pay big time. 

David L. Martin        <dlmarti@njcc.com>
R&D Software Engineer  http://pluto.njcc.com/~dlmarti

Excellent day for putting Slinkies on an escalator.

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