tburba on Fri, 5 Mar 1999 10:01:54 -0500 (EST)

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Re: debian CD

I'll bite (byte? <g>). What is "WQ"?

plug@lists.nothinbut.net on 03/04/99 07:19:45 PM

To:   jackw@jounce.net
cc:   plug@lists.nothinbut.net (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
Subject:  Re: debian CD

On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Jack Wilkinson wrote:
>   anyone have any extra Debian 2.x CD's or feel like making me one?
>   I'll pay for media and whatnot, but my last two Cheapbytes CD's haven't
>   worked...  I live in Bucks County, and my dad works in Coatesville,
>   so I can get anything in that general vicinity :P
>   Thanks much
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Jack Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
> President - JounceNET Internet Services
> The trouble with getting a life is making the payments.
> --
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