tkrell on Mon, 26 Apr 1999 20:19:06 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: vmware

While I haven't been running VMWare, I have downloaded it, and installed
it on my system.  Since I have a laptop (at least this is my
hypothesis), its been giving me some big pains getting it to set up for
a Win95 install.  However, it looks like a very promising product to
me.  If you've got the guest OS and the system resources to give to it,
I'd recommend you give it a try.  If anyone has a laptop running VMWare,
I'd appreciate any insight you may have to offer as to why I can't get
this thing working properly.

My .02.

AJM wrote:
>         Has anyone been running VM Ware on Linux? Do you like it? I was thinking
> about trying it on a system, but I have not heard anything about VM Ware
> recently.
> Alistair
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Tim Krell

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  • References:
    • vmware
      • From: AJM <>