Michael W. Ryan on Fri, 14 May 1999 22:36:19 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: newbie sound question

On Fri, 14 May 1999, Graham, John wrote:

> Since I upgraded to RH6.0 my pnp sound card is detected, but sndconfig comes
> back with errors when I try to configure it.  I was assuming that since it
> found the card I could make it work, but something tells me otherwise... as
> an alternative, can someone tell me where I can get a compatible sound card
> from.

Make sure that if PNP is turned off in your BIOS that you run sndconfig
with the option to NOT run the probe.  Trying to probe the PNP bus when
PNP is disabled confuses the snot out of your ISA PNP cards.

Michael W. Ryan, MCP          | OTAKON 1999
mryan@netaxs.com              | Convention of Otaku Generation
http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/ | http://www.otakon.com/

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