Judith Bush on Sat, 29 May 1999 06:50:52 -0400 (EDT)

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Multiple video cards/monitors.

Hi --

I should be giving this a try real soon. What research i did do made
it sound that, while XFree does claim to do this, a great deal of
frustration (to judge from Usenet posts) was involved. I decided to go 
ahead and use Metro-X:


(I also have touchscreens involved, so...)

Apparently Metrolink had a few cards custom made for them -- one card
for multiple monitors. I need 3 heads so this would have been only a
$100 premium over the three separate cards (It may have supported four 
monitors, though, and thus been equivalent.)

Anyhow, I should be setting this up in the next week or so, pending
installation of power and monitors in the kiosk set-up. From setting
up the touchscreens it looks like a pretty painless job. Then comes
getting them to run three different slide shows on a rotating basis. 
And sound files.  (I hate sound files.)




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