tburba on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 09:51:21 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...

>>then start any x app and watch it (eventually) show up on the local

Is the desktop itself an X app? If so, what is its path and filename? What
do I type to invoke it?

plug@lists.nothinbut.net on 05/28/99 03:00:22 PM

To:   plug@buxcom.net
cc:    (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
Subject:  Re: !!!Re: [SLL] Stupid X-server question...

> Thanks to all for your many responses, but they all seem incomplete. The
> man pages and the How-tos are great, but they obviously are written by
> folks that are defining the pieces -- not the steps. (Yes, I RTFMs) Its
> sort of like trying to learn the English language from the dictionary.
> Enough griping... Anyway, can anyone recommend the _complete_ steps for
> _one_ of the X-term connectivity methods you'all wrote about --  when we
> have the following default stuff set up:
I'll try this again.  On the local machine ( type this
Telnet to the host machine ( and type this
then start any x app and watch it (eventually) show up on the local
If you telnetted to a linux host from a linux local box then it SHOULD
automagically set your DISPLAY variable.  You'll still need to grant
local display permission via xhost though.
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