Kyle Burton on Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:01:58 -0400 (EDT)

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RE: [Plug] Potential new meeting place

We could always keep that space in mind for speical
the next time ESR shows up...or hold informal type lectures/classes that
related to PLUG.

PLUG - _PHILLADELPHIA_ Linux Users Group

I say keep in in philly...I live way out in Colleville, and am of the opinion
that if it moves out of philly, we'll loose membership.  Keep PLUG strong.
Keep in in CC if possible.

thanks for listening to my opinoins.


All theoretical chemistry is really physics; and all theoretical chemists know
    -- Richard P. Feynman                  

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Michael W. Ryan wrote:

> Before you read any further, keep in mind that I am a single voice, and
> this is said with that in mind.
> I'm not a big fan of moving the meeting out of Center City.  Center City
> is just that, central.  One thing to keep in mind is that there are
> different suburbs.  For example, my suburbs (I live in Glenolden) isn't
> that accessible to Conshohoken.  Nor would I expect it to be that
> accessible to New Jersey.  The highway traffic around Conshohocken is no
> picnic, even around 7pm.
> As one of those that take public transportation, I would find Spring Mill
> very inconvenient.  Yes, there's a train station.  Tell me, though, is it
> like Suburban Station or 30th Street Station?  Or is it more of a covered
> platform.  Would people feel comfortable waiting for the train for up to
> an hour after 10 pm?
> While the space offered by Avi sounds fantastic (although I'm not sure
> how I feel about the idea of auditorium style seating), we shouldn't shoot
> ourselves in the foot over it.  The space doesn't matter if people have a
> hard time getting to it.  If for one don't think that I would be able to
> make it that often.  It's just too inconvenient of a location. 
> Michael W. Ryan, MCP          | OTAKON 1999
>              | Convention of Otaku Generation
> |
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