Chris Fearnley on Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:34:05 -0400 (EDT)

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[Philadelphia] PADS meeting will include a ``keysigning party''


This followup note to the PADS (Philadelphia Area Debian Society) meeting
announcement clarifies important details about the ``keysigning party''
which will be held during the main meeting.

The PADS web page,, now includes detailed
instructions for facilitating the keysigning portion of our meeting.

PADS Main Meeting:
  Topic: Overcoming Debian's New Maintainer Procedures
  Speaker: Chris Fearnley <>
  When:  Wednesday, September 15th from 8:00PM - 9:30PM
  Where: IQ Group, 6th floor (its the room with a big Q on the door)
         325 Chestnut Street
         Philadelphia, PA

Attendees who want to participate in the keysigning should
  - Bring positive photo ID
  - Bring a printout of all relevant details of your public key to the
  - Send e-mail with all relevant details of your public key to Michael
    Toren <>
  - Check the web page for more details

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  LinuxForce Inc.           |  Senior Vice President Technology    |  Design Science Revolutionary
                    "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller