Darxus on Tue, 28 Sep 1999 11:38:16 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] PLUG members/resumes page

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, adam wrote:

> Promptly is one thing,
> I emailed him over a month ago.
> the reason I posted to the list was to
> get some action.

You neglected to mention the period of time in your post to the list.  
The reason I made my request to have my resume put on that page to the
list in the first place is that updates to the plug web page have been a
problem in the past.

I've asked about other people getting write access to the plug web page.
The responce I got was that Leyroy didn't want somebody else having access
to his account on that box.  This, in my opinion, is bullshit.  It's a
unix box, we're intelligent enough to be able to handle creative
permissions, or move the contents of the plug web page to another account,
to be accessed by someone more punctual.

And it's not like nothinbut.net is our only option in the world for
hosting a page.  

There, I've said it.

I do greatly appreciate that nothinbut.net is hosting this page for us,
but I think it could be handled better.

So what would I change ?

I don't read every message on this list, I could be significantly more
active, so I don't consider myself qualified to maintain the whole set of
plug pages.  But if an account were created for me on that box, with write
access to just the resume page, and a note somewhere on it "email
Darxus@op.net with updates", I'd be happy to take care of that part.  I
consider this page rather important, I think everybody's noticed the
advantages of social networking from this organization.  Geez, a friend of
mine met a future boss of his the 1st time he attended a meeting.

I also think the whole current layout of the plug page is silly.  Why have
links to a bunch of different pages with no content (talks & papers,
software reviews, hardware reviews) ?  Yeah, they're nice ideas, but get
the content first, and then link it.  I honestly think that if nobody's
contributed anything to it by now, nobody cares enough to do so.  

As far as I'm concerned, there are 4 pieces of real content:

1) the current contents of the "Announcement" page -- when and where the
   next meeting is, and what the topic will be.  I believe this is most
   important, and should be on the front page (like it was).

2) info on the mailing list

3) info on the message board (which I, personally, am against and think it
   should be removed in favor of getting everyone on this mailing list &
   possibly using an IRC channel, but that's me)

4) the resumes page

It is my opinion that the main page should contain #1, and links to #2-#4.  

And basically, the only things that ever need to be updated are #1
(location & topic of the next meeting), and #4 (new resumes).  

I believe someone voluntered to do announcements to the mailing list of
each meeting location & topic.  I think it was Son To
<son@wharton.upenn.edu>. It's silly to have a seperate person updating the
web page.  Give the man an account w/ write access to that page.

What percentage of our members even know where the next meeting will be ??
I have a guess, but I don't really even know.

Oh yeah, and I don't like the current color scheme of the main page :)

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