Morgan Wajda-Levie on Wed, 17 Nov 1999 11:21:40 -0500 (EST)

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[Plug] segfaults with mikmod and mp3blaster

A week or so ago, I copied the /usr portion of my hard drive to
another hard drive I had in my computer doing nothing.
Unofortunately, I did not use the -a option, so some bad things
happened.  Most of those things have been fixed, but a few problems
still remain.

One is that both mikmod and mp3blaster segfault when they try to load
their user interface.  The error happens in libc:

0x40118f2a in setvbuf () from /lib/

I also know that it is related to the ui because mikmod has a
non-interactive mode that works.

Another problem that may be related is that the libraries are no
longer symlinks.  Whenever I install a new library and run ldconf it
gives me a long string of libraries that should be links but are not.

I'm running Debian Linux potato, and could somebody please save me
from my own stupidity?

Morgan Wajda-Levie
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