Mental on Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:42:30 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] Which Distro?

It really doesnt matter so much, but if you used debian... be wary of the
unstable tree. Or at the very least dont run blind apt-get upgrades....

Like you already said, you can do this with any distro. 


On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Vale Kenny wrote:

> Ok, I've got a p100 with 96M & 16G of storage.  I want to make it a
> file/print/IPMasq gateway.  
> I realise that all distros can be pared down to minimal requirements, but is
> there a "preferred" distro for pure servers?  No bells, no whistles, just
> samba, ipchains, CODA or NFS, and a NIC.  
> I think it will be Debian or SUSE... opinions-suggestions?
> Peace,
> V
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