Mike Cathcart on Thu, 6 Apr 2000 11:49:59 -0400 (EDT) |
Has any one read Learning Debian GNU/Linux by McCarty, Bill published by O'Reilly & Associates? Would you recommend the book. I've read most of it. The author is easy to read and there are plenty of pretty pictures to clarify his examples. However, if you're only going to buy one Debian book ("If you only buy one Debian book this year...") I wouldn't recommend it mainly because it's free online. Check out the O'Reilly site, find the book, and click the Books Online link on the left (if you can't find it, let me know and I'll dig that link up). The book I settled on, and I'm glad I did, is Debian Unleashed. I usually shy away from the Sam's "Let's get 27 people who've never met and have them each write a chapter of a 2000 page book" school of publishing, but recently they've surprised me with some good stuff and this book was recommended on the Debian web site, so I tried it out. Maybe this book was just better for me since I was not only new to Debian but also new to Linux, but it does cover a lot of material and it was easy for me to understand. Basically, I would recommend you do what I did, get Debian Unleashed, and use the online version of the other book as a good backup reference. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com