jackw on Sat, 15 Jul 2000 01:33:22 -0400 (EDT)

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[PLUG] troubleshooting frozen downloads


I got DSL a few weeks ago, and I've been having some problems involving
large downloads.  I'll get a portion through, and the download will simply
freeze.  The funny thing is, it's always the same point on a specific file
every time I try to download it, even from other ftp servers.

I'm also unable to resume the transfer at all, it doesn't receive one byte
more than it had previously.  It's rather odd.  When downloading the Stormix
iso to test it out, I can get 37.42MB into it.

I've tested from masq'ed machines of every flavor (linux, windows, be, etc)
and from the linux gateway.  Maybe this didn't start when DSL came, but I
did not notice it before that.  Of course, I wasn't downloading huge stuff
usually on the modem.

The gateway is running 2.4.0-pre3 debian (woody) and was running 2.2.10
(potato) before that (switched up to woody about two weeks ago, a week after
getting dsl, and to the new kernel in the last week).  I started noticing
the problems immediately after getting DSL, as I was psyched into getting
massive files at good pace.


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