Bill Jonas on Sat, 19 Aug 2000 19:00:12 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [PLUG] CD-R(W) backup tools?

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Nathan Thompson wrote:

>However, I don't understand what you mean by numbers 2 and 3....  Not
>spannable? Most of the programs I've come across will span across as
>many cds as required.  Maybe I don't know what you mean by spannable (I

Are these Unix programs or Windows programs?  I don't pretend to know
exactly what he meant, but it seems to me like a program'd have to be
awfully clever to span multiple CDs.  After the data/filesystem is
written to CD-R(W), it has to be "fixated"; a table-of-contents and an
end-of-disc marker (or similar, I'm not a certified expert on this) is
applied, and the TOC varies in size depending on how many files you have
on the CD.  It would be neat if there was such software.  Try looking on
Freshmeat; such a thing would be there *if* it exists.

The alternative would be a shell script or something to gather about
600-630MB worth of files, run mkisofs against them, and then use
cdrecord to burn the resulting image to a CD.  Lather, rinse, repeat
until all file you want to back up are taken care of.

>Ever heard of .cshrc?             | "Linux means never having to delete
That's a city in Bosnia. Right?    |  your love mail." -- Don Marti
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc  |
on the intuitiveness of commands.) |

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