Walt Mankowski on Fri, 2 Feb 2001 00:07:52 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] weird permission settings

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 08:59:59PM -0500, MaD dUCK wrote:
> identify an account on a system which is a member of a certain group.
> let's say the account is patrick and the group is unshaven. now do the
> following...
> %> su
> #> cd /tmp
> #> mkdir testdir
> #> chown root:unshaven testdir
> #> chmod 0705 testdir
> #> exit
> %> cd /tmp
> %> id
> uid=101(patrick) gid=100(users) groups=500(unshaven)
> %> ls -ld testdir
> drwx---r-x    2 root     unshaven      4096 Feb  1 20:53 testdir
> %> cd testdir
> cd: permission denied: testdir
> any ideas???
> testdir should be world readable, but if group has --- permissions,
> then even though it's world readable, any member of a group can't
> chdir or ls into the/that directory...

Although I can't find this officially documented anywhere, my guess is
that user permissions take precedence over group permissions, and
group permissions take predecedence over world permissions.  So you've
shown that you can just as easily give the group *worse* access rights
as you can better rights.


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