MaD dUCK on Mon, 5 Feb 2001 20:30:18 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] convert ps to b/w

also sprach Bill Jonas (on Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:03:56PM -0500):
> Hmm... it's not very UNIX-y, but you might try opening it up in a
> graphical PS editor and "printing" to a file, specifying black-and-white
> or greyscale.

tried, but neither gv nor acrobat provide that option.

somehow, however, it got fixed and printed fine. i wonder why...


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo madduck@!#:1:s@\
micro$oft windoze:  proof that p. t. barnum was correct.

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