M. Jackson Wilkinson on Mon, 5 Mar 2001 22:03:00 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] high load average

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:58:37PM -0500, MaD dUCK wrote:
> mh. well, i am not entirely sure of this, but i thought that a load of
> 2.00 indicates that to the best of linux's knowledge, two of the
> processors of which one is currently running would be 100% busy.
> otherwise you will have to persuade me that 2.00 is 2% and that my
> systems on average use only 0.30% of the cpu. :)

well, like I mentioned in my last post (I'm dropping packets, so it may
never get through, but I'm trying), load is not strictly based on CPU, but
on all resources.  I think that it maxes out on 3 per processor.  You might
want to parooze the kernel source and grep for comments and see what the
algorithm is.

M. Jackson Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
Jounce Multimedia Services
Voicemail: 877-832-9021 Cell: 215-919-1513

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