tpanzarella (harley) on Tue, 20 Mar 2001 12:30:28 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] hubs vs switches

I think Jeff and Charles gave a thorough enough explaination of the functional differences between switches and hubs, so in a nutshell if your looking for performance and security (less exposure to packet sniffers) and you have the $$ a switch is the way to go.

One thing to note is that sometimes you want the features of hub over a switch. One scenario where a hub might be better is if you wanted to log all packets to and from all hosts on a particular network segment (whether it be for security purposes, traffic logging, etc.) then the fact that a hub sends all traffic to all ports actually helps you. You may want to put an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) such as Snort ( or even just run tcpdump on one of the machines on that network segment in order to capture all packets. Just something to think about.


Drexel Development Group wrote:

Hi all!

	What is better a switch or a hub?  What is the difference?

Does anyone know where to get a swtich?  We have a hub now... but I hear
that switches are the latest greatest thingy

Just wondering what they actually do... instead of what they are rumored to

Does anyone have any sort of experience with this sort of thing?

Thanks all


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