Michael F. Robbins on Sat, 7 Apr 2001 10:20:19 -0400

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[PLUG] PPTP Masquerading Problems

Hi everyone.   Just as an opener:  I know how bad PPTP is, especially
Microsoft PPTP.  But this is for a client, and it's his company policy.

I've got a P233 running Red Hat 6.2 as a masquerading box on a cable modem.
The hosts behind the box can access webpages and everything just fine; I've
done that stuff before.  Now, I need to access an external PPTP server from
a Windows system behind the Linux box, IP 38.x.x.x.  The Linux box's
external interface is 24.x.x.x, and the internal interface is, to
match with the client's pre-existing IP numbering.  The particular system
that needs to dial out PPTP is  And the real problem is that
when the Windows system was originally plugged into the cable modem
directly, it got to the PPTP just fine.

Going by the instructions on
ftp://ftp.rubyriver.com/pub/jhardin/masquerade/ip_masq_vpn.html, I tried to
patch and compile the following kernel versions: 2.2.14, 2.2.16, RedHat's
2.2.16-22, 2.2.17, and 2.2.18.  I have had no success.  With verbose
debugging, this is what I get:

08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): 24.x.x.x -> 38.x.x.x LEN=516 TY=1460
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): not a control pkt
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=516 TY=1460
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): not a control pkt
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): no TCP data in pkt
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): 24.x.x.x -> 38.x.x.x LEN=156 TY=1 MC=1A2B3C4D
08:51:05: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REQUEST (TY=1)
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=156 TY=1
08:51:05: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REPLY (TY=2)
08:51:08: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:08: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=156 TY=1
08:51:08: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REPLY (TY=2)
08:51:15: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:15: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=156 TY=1
08:51:15: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REPLY (TY=2)
08:51:28: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:28: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=156 TY=1
08:51:28: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REPLY (TY=2)
08:51:54: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:54: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): 38.x.x.x -> LEN=156 TY=1
08:51:54: ip_demasq_pptp_tcp(): START_SESSION_REPLY (TY=2)
08:51:54: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): app_data=c23909c0 CID=0 MCID=0 PCID=0
08:51:54: ip_masq_pptp_tcp(): no TCP data in pkt

It sure looks like the traffic goes to the PPTP server, and back to the
client at least once.  It scares me that it says "no TCP data in pkt" and
"not a control pkt"...that doesn't sound good.  Also, is it a problem that
the Magic Cookie value seems to be changing or something?  The MC of
1A2B3C4D is built into the linux PPTP module code, IIRC.  Also, I don't see
any GRE traffic here from functions like ip_masq_pptp_gre() or something
like that.  My IPCHAINS config is set up to allow GRE traffic, and MASQ any
traffic from the internal network.

This is somewhat urgent, as this client can not access his work files
anymore.  Has anyone done this before?  Any help is appreciated.  SSH access
to the masq box may be a possibility, if any of you can help.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mike Robbins

Philadelphia Linux Users Group       -      http://www.phillylinux.org
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