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Re: [PLUG] Cray Supercomputer? Machine room Space anyone? :)
At 10:43 AM -0700 6/29/01, multiple seriousity wrote:
"CRAY Supercomputer, in working condition"
Which model?
Hmmm... does anybody want to provide or underwrite the machine room
space/electricity/A-C for this?? :P
Depending on model, there may also be serious cooling issues...
Or, does anybody else have a nonprofit org of their own who wants to give
this baby a home? It's in DC currently.. drop me a line if you want more
info.. I just had to pass this one on..
I may be interested....It would bring back memories from when
I worked at NCSA (National Center for SuperComputing Applications -
http://www.ncsa.edu) back in the 80's...
You've got a SmartFriend? in Pennsylvania
Leonard Rosenthol Internet: leonardr@lazerware.com
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