epike on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 18:50:11 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] how to prevent vi clear the screen

what I meant is I want vi to retain what it views on the
screen just before I exit--I want to retain on the screen 
what vi is editing.

When I have just one terminal and I want to see the contents
of a file, I have this bad habit of VI'ing a file and 
positioning the text just so that when I quit vi whatever
file I am editing is still there showing up on the 
screen, and I am ready for my next command...
saves me the trouble of writing down or memorizing stuff 
written in text files.

only in linux, vi replaces the screen with something else--
clears it up or restores the old contents.


> It's not what you asked for, but it's a Q&D way of making it work ... set
> up an alias for vi, view and edit that does a clearscreen before it opens
> the file.  When you close out, there won't be anything to restore.
> andrew.

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