paul on Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:20:16 +0100

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[PLUG] [Fwd: Re: [chlug] ic card config]

Just forwarding this so that everyone will know that a response was

> Error determining IP info for eth0 failed !!

As a test, disconnect the cable from the NIC and give it a private
IP. for example.  You can run "neat &" in X or
"netconfig" in a terminal session to change the settings.  Then, ping and  If that works, you have a problem outside
of your PC.

In order to use DHCP, you need to have a DHCP client daemon
installed.  Make sure "dhcpcd" is installed.

If you're not using DHCP, type in the "official" static IP now.

Connect the cable and make sure you get blinky lights.  After that, do
"ifdown eth0" then "ifup eth0" to get the NIC to use the new settings.

> Question.. what irq do you recomend ? there's only a sound card.
> I've tryed none and 12.

If you're not using the card in PnP mode, just pick any unused IRQ. 
Check /proc/intterupts to make sure the IRQ isn't in use.

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