Jon Galt on Thu, 7 Mar 2002 02:31:30 -0500 |
Hi everybody, my laptop is currently dual boot Win98 and a munge of Red Hat and Trustix. I'd like to make it Linux only, and also get some experience with another distribution. Is there a distribution that would be particularly suited to a/my laptop? If's a Vaio with 64Mb of RAM and a 6Gb hard disk, Pentium II processor. Display is a 14" NeoMagic MagicMedia256AV. It has a Linksys Model NP100 ethernet card, and a built in modem TEAC CD-224E cdrom drive and a Rockwell HCF 56K Speakerphone PCI modem. It also has USB and infrared ports. That's all I can think of to say about it. A lot of it is probably irrelevant, but anyway.... I'd like a distribution that takes care of installing X, and a window manager that looks/operates as much like MS Windows as is available. Any recommendations? Thanks, Wayne _________________________________________ Need an experienced programmer who knows both the Unix and Microsoft worlds? Then you need to hire wayne: _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -