gabriel rosenkoetter on Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:36:58 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] xinetd v. inetd (was: starting a program at boot)

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 11:10:12AM -0400, Noah silva wrote:
> well it also means that when installing a service, you could just copy one
> file, instead of trying to EDIT a config file, which is a better idea to
> me.

Assuming you trust the vendor to have provided the right thing. I
don't, and I'd double-check it anyway, so...

I wouldn't be using a vendor-supplied line in inetd.conf either,
since I want it going through tcp_wrappers. (Granted, I'd be happier
if everybody'd catch a clue and link against libwrap, but that'll
start happening with things like Oracle's tnslsnr around 2040, so...)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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