Paul on Wed, 16 Oct 2002 13:27:15 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] OT: Linux Business Forum

money versus keeping an IT person on staff. This could allow you to sell service contracts with a monthly fee. . .

Another viable approach is to sell "block time." A company could prepay for some number of hours (with a quantity discount) from 40-500 hours and then whenever they need help you charge against their account.

I like the monthly fee idea. "Block time" is a pain. (The same feeling for consulting pay.) For a short time I worked for a company that used block time. It takes a fine balance to keep everyone happy using that system. On one side the service company wants to make money, so the technician shouldn't work too fast. On the other side, the customer will think that things take too long. There's a *lot* of record keeping and possibilities for disagreement.

The monthly fee appeals to me because it is simple and it puts the technician in an employee-like position. Everything averages out so record keeping and projection is simpler.

I definitely think that you're on to something. Many small companies could really benefit from the cost savings of Linux, but would definitely want support and training. Offering them the support in migration and especially after could just be the push they need.

I agree.  I wouldn't mind being the New Jersey "branch".

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