Stephen Gran on Mon, 16 Dec 2002 16:18:11 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] installing linux virtually

On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 12:51:32PM -0500, Ian Reinhart Geiser said:
> Greetings
> 	Im wondering if anyone has every had the experience trying to install a dist 
> without the installer.  My scenario is i have a large 60gb disk with about 10 
> partitions.  Ideally I would like to install a different linux dist to each 
> partition for packaging.  Currently I reboot and install the dist using the 
> install cds, the only problem with this is Rh and MDK installer try their 
> hardest to take over the system and niavely assume that their install and 
> windows are the only two dists there.  Google got me about 100 how-tos for 
> installing linux dists via the installer, but none for installing without the 
> compiler.
> 	Does anyone know of any scripts or ways to glean enough information to do a 
> chroot /blah rpm -ivh <rpmlist> ? on a particular partition?

It sounds like you have enough room to actually leave an installed
version of each distro on each partition.  I would think having
something like a shared /boot with kernels
vmlinuz.redhat . . .
and a lilo configuration that calls the appropriate /boot and / options.
If RH and MDK keep trying to over write your setup, keep a working copy
of lilo.conf in /boot (or on a floppy), and just copy it to the new
/etc, rerun lilo, and it should be OK.

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting?  Do you not want to leave them permanently

|  Stephen Gran                  | Five bicycles make a volkswagen, seven  |
|             | make a truck.   -- Adolfo Guzman        |
| |                                         |

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