LeRoy Cressy on Fri, 20 Dec 2002 17:41:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] netfilter/firewall question

iptables save will generate a shell script for you based on what you entered manually. Writing your own shell script is my method, but it is not for everyone. Also when you edit the shell script you can insert rules where they will be appropriate and not reached because of a previous rule.

I hope that I am making sense to you.

epike@isinet.com wrote:
Ive been trying to understand iptables and
firewalling rules and seen a lot of examples on the web for setting it up. right now
my main issue is

why do they write iptables rules as a shellscript and putting in /etc/rc.d
instead of defining it inline by iptables
and executing "iptables save" at the end?
which one is the preferred or the more correct

iptables newbie

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Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy   mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com   /\_/\
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                       Phone:  215-535-4037        > ^ <

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

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