Paul on Mon, 20 Jan 2003 06:21:04 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] wireless router

Here is the equipment that I decided to try. (I haven't received it yet.) Any feed back?

D-Link DI-713P wireless router. Ordered the router from for $50. (Actually, an $80 purchase, free shipping, and a $30 rebate.)

D-Link DWL-520 wireless PCI card. Ordered the NIC from for $50. (Just missed a $20 rebate.)

The router will be placed in another apartment and wired to one PC, maybe a Mac, and DSL. The NIC will be placed in my Linux PC. The Linux PC is wired to a Windows PC and occasionally a Linux/Windows laptop.

If signal strength is a problem, would adding a larger antenna to the NIC be sufficient, or would the router also require one or two larger antennas? I'm not even sure if the devices are designed with the ability to add 3rd parth antennas.

This is not related to my setup, but can two of these low-cost wireless routers route between each other?

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