W.Chris Shank on Mon, 3 Feb 2003 00:12:06 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Laptop Recommendations

I recommend the ibook. it's a little bigger than i like (had a superslim vaio) - but the hardware is very nice.

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 11:20 PM, Chris Hedemark wrote:

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On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 11:11 PM, Christopher Shanahan wrote:

I'm looking to purchase a new laptop, probably within the next week,
and I wanted to get an idea what the PLUG users recommended. I plan to
purchase a mid-range laptop, spending around $1,500.00, for both work
and school. I realize almost all laptops come bundled with WinXP now
(aside from Apple)

You almost answered your own question.

Apple makes awesome notebooks. I am running an 800MHz G4 Powerbook but for $1,000 and up you can get an iBook. I think Microcenter is running them really cheap right now for like $100 off or more.

Anyway, add to your Apple purchase a copy of Virtual PC. From there you can run Linux in a window, Windows XP in a window, heck you can run them both side by side. The native OS on the Apple is BSD-derived so is quite comfortable to use for a UNIX/Linux person (especially now that Apple has an X11 server).

With Virtual PC all of the hardware is virtualized anyway.

Linux runs great on the bare iron, but then you'd have to use something like bochs to emulate a PC environment for Windows XP and bochs is not easy to get going.

Chris Hedemark
PGP/GnuPG Public Key at http://yonderway.com/chris/hedemark.gpg
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


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