Jeff Abrahamson on Sun, 16 Feb 2003 18:41:02 -0500 |
Using g++ 3.2, I have the following code snippet: #include <vector> template <class T> class Foo { void fill_to(std::vector<T *>::size_type i); }; Compiling, I get the following error: g++ -c -g -Wall foo.cpp foo.cpp:8: warning: `typename std::vector<T*, std::allocator<T*> >::size_type' is implicitly a typename foo.cpp:8: warning: implicit typename is deprecated, please see the documentation for details foo.cpp:6: warning: all member functions in class `Foo<T>' are private What's an implicit type, and what's more explicit? Alas, my copy of Stroustrup is v.2, and that is of no use here. The error comes up too often for google to help me, it seems. Tia. -- Jeff Jeff Abrahamson <> GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276 63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B Attachment: