Jeff Abrahamson on Sun, 6 Apr 2003 10:51:19 -0400

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[PLUG] daylight saving time?

Last night around 1 a.m. I said

    $ at 9:30

This morning something happened at 10:30. The system clock reports
9:30. I see ntpd running.

My other debian sarge machine got it right. Any thoughts what might
have happened?

    jeff@asterix:Mutt $ ssh diderot date
    jeff@diderot's password: 
    Sun Apr  6 10:43:50 EDT 2003
    jeff@asterix:Mutt $ date
    Sun Apr  6 09:44:14 EST 2003
    jeff@asterix:Mutt $ 

Hmm, I did to a dist-upgrade yesterday afternoon...


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
 GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276  63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B

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