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RE: [PLUG] Community Service Project (Devil's
Title: RE: [PLUG] Community Service Project (Devil's
> Jim Foster wrote:
> advocate)
> I can't believe you guys are debating giving C or Perl to low-income
> elementary school students. These are kids who are probably not even
> reading at their proper grade level. I bet that a good bunch
> of these kids
> won't even be able to read the man pages for some of these
> packages, let
> alone put them to use.
Not that there's no correlation between low-income neighborhoods and quality of education, but these people are impoverished, not stupid. Assuming that they're stupid and withholding opportunities for them to challenge their own minds is certainly not going to help them in the long run.
How many current Engineers were kids hacking around on their computer 20 or 30 years ago. How did they learn, considering there was no computer science curriculum in high schools then? They sought knowledge on their own because of their natural curiosity.
Maybe you can't teach every man to fish, but if you got an extra pole, he might be alright. . .
Just my $.02