Jeyes, David (371) on Fri, 11 Jul 2003 12:41:10 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] Community Service Project (Devil's advocate)

Title: RE: [PLUG] Community Service Project (Devil's advocate)

> From: Chris Mann wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 11:37, Jon Nelson wrote:
> > I whole heartily agree.  We can't just dump the computers
> on them and walk
> > away hoping they'll figure it out.  Not only should they be
> provided with
> > the computers but the resources to grow with that computer.
>  That's why I
> > think PLUG, Jr. is such a great idea.  I have to look into
> low/no coast
> > dial up connections for them as well.
> Plug Jr. is a great idea. Would that make PLUG it's *sponsor* so to
> speak? Low cost dial up connections are out there, I think
> netzero might
> be one of them, not sure on that tho. I wonder if maybe some
> of the area
> ISP might be convinced to donate a few accounts?

Unfortunately Netzero isn't very *nix friendly.

Here's an interesting idea- there's an outfit out there called Humbleguys ( They could allow for PLUG to operate as a VISP for almost nothing, and a portion of the revenue from everyone that signs up is held separately and could be used to fund extra accounts. First pass through you could try to get them to buy an account and if you get some people that are really excited and interested, but that can't afford it then you come back to them once there are more subscribers.

It would be easily marketed to other Philadelphians, too, but that would take a serious time investment. I could try to help, but it would have to be heavily word of mouth in the educational community to be successful.
