Jeyes, David (371) on Mon, 14 Jul 2003 13:34:10 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] Non-Profit -- was The Next Step? -- was Community Serv ice Project (Devil's advocate)

Title: RE: [PLUG] Non-Profit -- was The Next Step? -- was Community Serv ice Project (Devil's advocate)

>  Art Clemons wrote:
> Uh, it's not that difficult to incorporate as non-profit in Delaware.
> Afterwards about the only requirement is a yearly payment of the
> requisite fee and the maintenance of a physical address (as
> opposed to a
> PO Box) to receive mail.  There are requirements attached to being a
> corporation like having a Board of Directors and a structure
> though, but
> they're minimal, almost any real organization can comply
> especially one
> that isn't out to make money.

Just because you're incorporated as a nonprofit, you are not necessarily a 501(c)3. This distinction is important because you cannot write off donations to nonprofit organizations that are not registered as 501(c)3 with the IRS.

Registering as 501(c)3 can take months or even years.
