William H. Magill on Thu, 14 Aug 2003 22:23:10 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] LINUX Administrator opportunities

On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 05:39 PM, Paul wrote:
William H. Magill wrote:

An experienced, enterprise-level, Unix Senior Systems Administrator...
Not serious question: Uh, was that like a...uhhh...oops?

Yeah, I forgot that PLUG is one of those mailing lists with the annoying problem of headers which don't provide a reply to sender ability.... got to cut and paste.

Serious question: Could I show this to my wife who is working on updating her resume at this time? I especially like the "Profile" part. Actually, the entire resume, having looked at the format briefly, looks great.


This is actually one of two "common" formats.
The other format, more common for purely technical positions is the "bulleted experience" format.

William H. Magill

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