on Tue, 26 Aug 2003 09:56:06 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] finding the IP

On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:05:01AM -0400, JP Toto wrote:
> I don't think I can offer an intelligent solution to this problem but I 
> would love to see the script. Any chance you could post it for us?


I call it IPChangeNotification and it runs by cron hourly.
The file that the IP is stored in (changable) is /etc/thisIP.



$CONF = "/sbin/ifconfig" ;
$IF   = "ppp0" ;  ## or eth0, or eth1, or ...
$IPfile = "/etc/thisIP" ; 
$ADMIN = '' ;
$SERVER = qx|hostname --fqdn| ;
chomp $SERVER ;

# figure out the IP address...
   $THIS=qx|$CONF $IF \|grep "inet addr" | ;
   @UNOparse = split ':', $THIS ;
   $THIS = $UNOparse[1] ;
   @DOSparse = split ' ', $THIS ;
   $ThisIP = $DOSparse[0] ;
# Open the ip file to get the "old" IP (assume no IP if file does not exist)
   if ( -r $IPfile ) {
      open IPFILE, "<$IPfile" 
         or die "Appears I cannot read or create the $IPfile file... bummer\n" ;
      $OldIP = <IPFILE> ;
      close IPFILE ;
      chomp $OldIP ;
      print "no previous IP stored... it will be stored in $IPfile\n" ;
      $OldIP = "" ;
# Compare current IP to the old IP and act appropriately
   if ( $ThisIP eq $OldIP ) {
      print "IP did match... nothing else to be done!\n" ;
   }else {
      print "IP did NOT match...\n" ;
      open IPFILE, ">$IPfile" 
         or die 'cannot create $IPfile ... become root or something\n' ;
      printf IPFILE "$ThisIP" ;
      close IPFILE ;
      print "Mailing notice of change to $ADMIN\n" ;
      open TF, '>/tmp/tempemail' or die ;
      printf TF "The IP address for the $SERVER server has changed to $ThisIP\n" ;
      close TF ;
      qx|mail '$ADMIN' < /tmp/tempemail | ;
   exit 0 ;

---------------end file--------------------

#  Eric Lucas
#     "Oh, I have slipped the surly bond of earth
#      And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings...
#                             -- John Gillespie Magee Jr.
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