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Chris wrote:
Hello Everyone.
I’m looking into some insight about NIS/NFS.
I have about 6 servers all behind a PIX with the only port open is 53
tcp/udp. As of right now, I’m using standard password files and ssh
keys to scp information from machine to machine. Every user has to be
added by hand, and each key has to be generated by hand.
I was thinking of switching to NIS/NFS so everything can be managed
from 1 machine. Anyone have any cons about running NIS/NFS?
This system is on a LAN, with no shell users execpt staff. Staff
already have the root’s password so im not worried about them getting
the passwd file.
Any input please.
Thank you.
Since security isn't a concern, NIS/NFS would be a great solution.
Although, you should run at least two servers for redundency.
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