gabriel rosenkoetter on 28 Nov 2003 08:08:02 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Severe Bug in GnuPG

On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 08:04:08PM -0500, LeRoy Cressy wrote:
> I saw this link on /. tonight and I thought that you wold like to know.

Note that it is VERY unlikely that this applies to you.

There are about 20 ElGamal *signature* keys on the keyservers.

ElGamal is painfully slow as a signature algorithm and produces
copiously more output than signing with DSA or RSA does.

Most of you will probably see ElGamal mentioned on your PGP keys,
since GnuPG's default these days is to generate a DSA signing key
and an ElGamal encryption key, but this is not a situation about
which you should be concerned, as I understand it.

It's only if you're using ElGamal for signing that there's a
problem. This problem is even worse if you've been using the SAME
ElGamal key for signing and encryption (which you really shouldn't
do anyway; you should always use different keys for signing and
encryption; again, GnuPG does this for you already).

gabriel rosenkoetter

Attachment: pgpNkiIN4pWwF.pgp
Description: PGP signature