Jeff Abrahamson on 9 Dec 2003 08:30:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Thoughts on creating a virtual file system

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 07:56:06PM -0500, Mike Chirico wrote:
>   [33 lines, 312 words, 1800 characters]  Top characters: eotiasrd
> I just wanted so share a few thoughts here on creating a virtual file system.
> I move around from computer to computer, and it's nice to have
> access to all my files, along with the symbolic links etc.  So what
> I did was create a file and mounted it as a drive.  Then, when I
> moved to another computer for a few hours, I just copied the file
> and mounted in again on the second computer.  True, I could have
> used ssh; but, it was kind of nice to have the speed of accessing it
> locally.

You might find SFS to do much of what you want without much hassle.
It seems faster to access files than push displays through ssh.

Trying SFS is a project of mine for the holidays, I'll let you know
how it goes.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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