Thomas Thurman on 24 Dec 2003 09:31:08 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Remote rebooting

On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 02:19:07PM -0500, George McNeal wrote:
> I have a difficult to get to workstation running Debian Woody and ssh.
> I ssh and scp to the workstation with ease.
> Occasionally, I want to reboot the workstation.
> How can I set the login and password without  physically being present?

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying you want to be logged in on
console (with your desktop etc up on the screen), and you want to cause
this remotely? If that's what you want, you can make the display manager
log in a particular user automatically. How you do that depends on your
display manager; in kdm you enable the "AutoLoginEnable" and following
lines in your kdmrc file.

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