Jeff Abrahamson on 29 Dec 2003 15:51:02 -0000

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[PLUG] mutt and bogofilter

I had a mutt macro for flagging spam:

    macro pager <f9> "s=spam^M"

When I installed bogofilter I changed it to this:

    macro pager <f9> "set pipe_decode=no
|bogofilter -Ns
set pipe_decode

These mostly worked, but I liked the idea of turning off wait_key
temporarily, and the bogofilter man page proposed this (except I
changed -N to -Ns):

    macro index <f9> "<enter-command>set pipe_decode=no\n\
    <enter-command>unset wait_key\n\
    <pipe-entry>bogofilter -Ns\n\
    <enter-command>set wait_key\n\
    <enter-command>set pipe_decode\n\
    <delete-message>" "delete message as spam"

(Of course, it's not really indented in real life.)

This last, though, sometimes (but not always) beeps on usage, shuttles
two messages off to my spam folder instead of one, but doesn't give
any error message.

Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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