George Gallen on 7 Oct 2004 13:41:01 -0000

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RE: [PLUG] Home Networking Questions/Solutions

Title: RE: [PLUG] Home Networking Questions/Solutions

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:39 AM
>Subject: Re: [PLUG] Home Networking Questions/Solutions
>There isn't enough space for a wireless router in the electric
>panel and I
>would have nowhere to put the antenna--at least, nowhere that
>I'd get a good
>signal to the third floor of the house.

I don't know how much wiggle room you have...but..I have a D-LINK
wireless/gb router, and it's SMALL. about 5-6" x 4-5" x 1-2". as for
the antenna, you could remove the duck antenna, and replace it
with a different antenna with a cord to attach to the modem, of
course this would mean there would be a wire coming out of the panel.

The only thing strange I have had with the DLINK was it didn't autosense
my WAN cable modem. I had to physically set it to 10mb/sec speed. Then
again, this may have been a problem with the cable modem as well, since
I lost my last wireless router when lightning struck near the house, and
blew out the wireless router, the cable modem seemed ok, but maybe it
has a problem also...the PC had no problem linking to the cable modem
however, and it has a 10/100 autosensing port.


>Thank you.
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