Paul on 12 Nov 2004 11:24:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Jon Stewart Mentions Linux Tonight

Jon Nelson wrote:

Paul said:

Jon Nelson wrote:

I went to see the "Daily Show with Jon Stewart" tonight.  Before the show
Jon comes out and has a question and answer session during which I got in
a yelling match with some Microsoft employees over Linux.  He thought it
was pretty funny and added something about it in his opening.

When will it air?

Sorry. It was on at 11pm last night, but according to my Tivo it repeats
again at 1000am and 700pm today on Comedy Central.

Thanks for your early response. I'll try to catch the 10am showing, if I have Comedy Central. I'm surprised it aired so soon.

One of the MS employees (who knows what her position was) actually said
that Linux was owned by IBM.  Wish that was on tape.

Now, that is comedy!

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