Mark Dominus on 2 Dec 2004 03:16:03 -0000

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[PLUG] Slides for qmail talk

Thanks for having me at your meeting to talk this evening.  I hope you
had as good a time as I did.  I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit the
Besst Haus with you afterwards, but I had to get home to my family.
(And also get to bed in time to get up for work tomorrow.)

The slides from my talk are available at

If you have any questions you couldn't think of at the time, or didn't
want to ask, feel free to email me.

Jeff Abrahamson pointed out that qmail's queueing strategy would be
unreliable if the queue were NFS-mounted.  I agreed.  

So does Dan Bernstein; here's an excerpt from the THOUGHTS file
distributed with qmail:

        The queue directory must be local. Mounting it over NFS is
        extremely dangerous---not that this stops people from running
        sendmail that way!  Diskless hosts should use mini-qmail

There's a lot of other interesting material in this file, including
one paragraph that starts out with:

        NFS is the primary enemy of security partitioning under UNIX. 

See you next year,

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