Walt Mankowski on 28 Dec 2004 17:53:58 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] music station

On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 11:46:24AM -0500, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> The problem (1): I want to listen to music (available as mp3 and ogg
> files) in my dining room.
> The problem (2): Although I have network ports in the living room /
> dining room (and wireless), I don't have a computer there.  I'm not
> fond of leaving a 300 W computer on all the time just in case, but I
> know if it means booting a computer, going downstairs to tell it what
> to play, etc., it won't get used much.

My current solution to this problem is to use an old Linux laptop with
a wireless card.  I made my mp3 directory an NFS share, so the laptop
just has to mount it and it can play anything.  Through the wonders of
ssh and X I can even control it from across the room.

> So I'm trying to find a (reasonably priced) solution that allows me to
> have music up there.  I have an amp and speakers available.  Using a
> tape deck or individual CD player doesn't work for me, as I want to be
> able to have music play for an evening without need for intervention.

Are there cheap CD players yet that can play MP3 CDs?  If so, you
could just burn a CD and play it for hours.

> A friend pointed me to Roku:
>     http://www.rokulabs.com/

That's cool, but it seems expensive, especially considering the
AirPort Extreme sells for only $129.  I seem to recall seeing
something similar at Tweeter the last time I was in there, but I don't
remember how much it cost.

> I've also thought about an iPod-like device hooked up to the amp.
> Ipods are too expensive for this application (I'd like to keep the
> project under $100).  I thought about some sort of device that accepts
> compact flash.  There would be ogg problems, but mp3 only might still
> work out ok.

There are more portable MP3 players out there than the iPod.  My
officemate has one that takes compact flash, but I don't know what
brand it is or how much it cost.  It's not as shiny as the iPod, but
if you're just looking for a simple low-cost solution, something like
that might be great.


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